![]() | You may have to abandon your own ideas today but it is a commendable move that you take. Do not worry--your actions have not gone unnoticed. Your self-confidence gets a boost today. Use this cycle to get ahead professionally. Have no fear of the future challenges you see ahead. Your appreciation for hard work and discipline is natural and lifelong. Your professional standing improves. You actually love responsibility and tend to pile on the work. A positive change in financial status is possible soon. A part-time job or second job may be what you and many other people do at this time of year in order to enjoy the upcoming holidays. A cultural event involving friends and associates is quite helpful this evening. There is new information to absorb. |
![]() | Your attitude about your work is commendable. If there is a job, you can do it. As a strong worker, you pour yourself into any task with absolute determination. You may find that your co-workers seek you out to ask for your psychological insight and understanding. Sometimes they complain and sometimes they make comments about others or their work. Your insight is helpful in turning the negative conversations into a positive. This afternoon you may take a notion to paint a wall or create your own decorative art display for this time of the year. It may be that the leaves or nature's other ornaments are ripe for the picking . . . a few pine cones here or there and a few colorful pieces of fruit or a colorful plant would work nicely. This is a great time to decorate. |
![]() | You have an inner urge for order and organization and a great sense of responsibility. You are competent, ambitious and cool. This marks the coming of a good time as far as career and social life are concerned. If you have not discovered this already, it seems your time of paying dues is over; real accomplishment and focus are possible now. You are a very hard worker and are driven to accomplish whatever is set out for you. You like to manipulate a situation for its own benefit and would make a natural supervisor. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others just now and may find yourself as a representative or possibly a politician when it comes to your community. A hobby keeps you busy and laughing tonight. |
![]() | You will be pleased at your ability to respond to the unexpected today. This is a great time to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Who owes what, who owns what and who decides these things are some of the major issues for you this afternoon. The only thing we really own is our consciousness; the only master who is never overthrown is oneself. Master them and you master everything. Dodge these issues and the great strength that could be yours will remain just out of reach. Understanding inner motivations, seeing through to the core is your real path of power and enlightenment now. You may find yourself looking for a little romance this evening. |
![]() | Big changes affecting your career, status and reputation are likely at this time. Daring to be different gets you noticed and could get you ahead in ways you never expected. Today is a time of reaping the rewards for your hard work. Regardless of how differently you may have attempted to accomplish some project, the end results of your work have successful vibrations. A high tech or idealistic approach sets you apart. You are at your mental best with sharp ideas and clear thoughts. You seem to have developed a knack for being in the right place at the right time--and that can win you the admiration of others. A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through many changes. Look through a telescope tonight; cool. |
![]() | Your ambition is strong. Things seem to fall in place and progress is good. Outer circumstances and the flow of events make it easy for you to formulate clear decisions. You are wise to save a bit of time to follow up on facts and confirm costs. You will prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. Ridding yourself of excess and what is nonessential may also be a key move to better working opportunities. Although financial rewards will come through your hard work, you can also find yourself spending money faster than you make it--careful. With the winter coming, you may find the finances a bit tight, particularly if there are repairs or upkeep jobs to do on the home front. How about a budget? |
![]() | The power of organization on a social scale, such as business or political affairs, seems to take on a larger than life feeling now. It's as if ambition and authority are answers in themselves, rather than means to an objective. This can lead to ambitious schemes that tend to become lost along the way. Real power is always hidden; finding it means delving into a few secret places, and that's where you are bound to look now. Look around and check out the people you admire that have reached the success you are looking for and ask yourself how they made it to their success. Perhaps you can use one of those people as a mentor. You can demonstrate great understanding to family members this evening. You also may find yourself dealing with community affairs. |
![]() | Concentrated effort is important with your work just now--staying away from emotional issues is a very wise plan. Practice diplomacy when dealing with the public. Do not let feelings get in the way of clear judgment. Later today there will be time to do a little research, perhaps at the local library. This research will either help you in making a decision or in completing some project. You are learning that education wasn't as dull as you thought and the fun of discovery may point you in the direction of more education . . . or at the least, a few classes. Look beyond surface meanings for the insights you seek. Loved ones may give you support and, in some way, help you gain a focus this afternoon. Involve yourself with a relaxing activity this evening. |
![]() | This is a beneficial time that will accommodate your efforts to achieve a balance between the physical and the emotional parts of your life. If you find it too difficult to initiate the changes that are needed for this balance, find some counseling or a business advisor for yourself. Compromise is the order of the day in the workplace. Instead of deciding you are not going to do something, think it through and try to find a beneficial end result. You may find that both your personal growth and your career may depend upon how you can handle the challenges that may be coming up now. The power of organization on a social scale--business, politics and such--seems to take on an importance to you in making your day run smoothly. Obstacles are short-lived today. |
![]() | Work, achievement and ambition are your idea of having fun--you feel productive. You may take on a leadership role at this time. You look for new opportunities to grow and to help others grow. The spirit of cooperation and sharp mental activity makes it easy for you to move forward in your career. You may find yourself serving to guide someone younger than you in matters of importance this afternoon--perhaps through tutoring school subjects or in junior achievement type of activity. This evening you give yourself time to think through some future plans. You may reason and analyze and think about the next project. Take some time out and exercise your body through some form of dancing or movement. Perhaps a friend, partner or loved one will join you. |
![]() | You may find yourself working closely with someone that you always thought you would like to mirror. Your work growth seems to take on the same route that this person has set out for his or her own progress--you are happy to follow. Concentrating on pleasing this person is not your goal but learning and asking questions is bringing you forward. You may wonder if you will ever learn enough to set the example for someone else and you most certainly will. Getting down to the essential work process is most important now. Much can be accomplished today. Your thoughts are brought to a sharp focus. This evening you and a friend may decide to work on the making of a movie. Progress around this project or some similar project is good. |
![]() | This is a good day--one where much progress is gained. You do a professional job for the customer and the customer recommends you to another customer. This is a perfect time to move forward in whatever you want to accomplish. Respect is earned for your way of handling new ideas or practical solutions. Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form. Wonderful results are possible from your positive choices. The sound of children fills the air this afternoon. You may be responsible for their evening meal or that they have learned their assignment from school. You may even decide to teach them a recipe they could cook for their snack or dessert in trade for study time. This evening you appreciate the beauty in your life. |
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