![]() | Take your time with a complicated situation in the workplace now--you will be glad you did. Any shortcuts you might be tempted to take may not help at this time. You may find more than just thanks for your efforts by the afternoon. This is indeed a great time to work with others. Obtaining and exchanging information takes on more emotional significance. You value personal contact with your neighbors or friends, cutting through all the externals and getting to the heart of things. You may be thinking about the trials and tribulations of parenting this evening. If you have no children, you may be thinking about how you would fare as a parent in the future. There could be many opportunities to laugh with the young this evening. |
![]() | This is a meaningful day that you can use to your advantage. A day that is not too stressful--time for accomplishing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. This is a great time to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as the person for a particular job. You are social by nature and may find yourself guiding or introducing new co-workers to the gang in the office today. Feeling successful is the first step toward being successful--and you feel successful. People like being around you because you have such a good attitude. A friend may bring your attention to some needed changes around your neighborhood and you volunteer to help. You may enjoy helping with some fall decorations. |
![]() | Expect the best and you will receive the best. The day may have a slow start but your attitude will bring things around to what you want to accomplish. Be prepared--this could be a stressful day--it is certainly a busy day. The positive results will depend on your actions. Support and recognition from the public, family and from friends will be happening soon. You feel at home in the world--and it takes care of you. You could have deep insights into your own feelings and inner, spiritual nature. Enjoy the season! At home you might decide to decorate with splashes of color and the fun traditions of the season. You may be attending a social affair this evening. You may, in fact, find yourself all dressed up in the best costume of the party. |
![]() | You may be very forceful in what you say and think. With all of this emotional energy, you could speak or communicate very well. Everything conspires to value to bring out your unique and unusual qualities. This is a very idealistic time when it comes to business concerns. You have imagination when it comes to reducing any excessive overhead--getting down to basics. This evening you could be entertaining. Your creative side is showing. You may have lots of fun decorating and preparing little specialties--there will be lots of good smells coming from the kitchen. Everything conspires to reveal you at your most elegant, particularly in social situations. You may insert a theatrical or vaudeville style to your handiwork--your guests enjoy your efforts. |
![]() | This just may be your lucky day as misunderstandings become understood, puzzles become solved and questions become answered. There are new opportunities to increase your pay or whatever else you may need. There is an increased confidence and a more outgoing manner in your life just now. You are very imaginative when it comes to other people and relationships of all kinds. You have a sense of the ideal, almost like an otherworldly feeling that you bring to your partnerships, social or private. You have an interest in real union--marriage or yoga--and may find yourself looking for a mate or improving a relationship. A splash of decor at your front door presents an intriguing invitation and welcomes all the little neighbors to your good graces. |
![]() | You will prosper by pursuing your ideas of how life could be. Don't be afraid to project your thinking--make those dreams real. Ideas of group cooperation and communion could further your career. You could bring imagination and religious understanding to physical and scientific studies. Communications, computers and the whole electronic revolution are perfect career choices for you. You enjoy listening to some of the old radio shows and may create quite a following as you talk up your hobby during your break time today. Unusual ways of appreciating and loving may also be possible now. You may discover something new about love or you may adopt a different and unconventional value system, temporarily. Enjoy the seasonal changes. |
![]() | Challenging authority and rocking the boat will likely play a bigger role in your life today. The new broom sweeps clean; old patterns of organization and power are ripe for an innovative approach. Radical and inventive ideas hold the key to realizing your ambitions and advancing your standing--a shake-up is in the works but this time it is your turn to speak, so to speak. Real power is always hidden--finding it means delving into hidden places, and that's where you are bound to look now. The forbidden, the taboo areas, the great mysteries that no one speaks about in polite company seem to hold the answers and you seem compelled to deal with them now. You get plenty of compliments tonight on a creative seasonal centerpiece for the dinner table. |
![]() | This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the energy you could want and it should be easy to channel it. You may find yourself lecturing, teaching or attending a class on organizing your goals. Perhaps this is the best time for productive, serious thinking--getting down to the important thoughts. Studies of all kinds are in order, perhaps some night classes. Events make it easy for you to find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to put your ideas into practice. Your career direction gets some encouragement at this time. You have some great ideas for decorating your living area this fall. You also have great ideas for the kids, for instance, the old bobbing-for-apples game. |
![]() | A project in the workplace seems to be proceeding at a positive pace. If there are any problems with the process of this project, you are able to correct things quickly. A complicated task is far easier to manage when you approach it calmly and positively. You are willing to take on challenges, no matter what the risks. You can be a little impatient. You will prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. Daring to implement new approaches or techniques may be the secret to your success at this time. Your friends are in a festive mood this evening and you may find the interaction with them quite enjoyable--take pictures. You have a great deal of enthusiasm this evening--this may be your favorite time of year. |
![]() | You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions today. Careful--you may appear commanding and assertive. In summary, from this time forward, expect a more confident, outgoing attitude, for you have brought to close some inward examination. A growing sense of direction and self-worth will find you reaching out and establishing yourself. You can be very communicative, flexible, mental and other-oriented. Perhaps you can be all things to all people, giving them what they require. Others will find you a smooth talker with a quick wit and ready tongue. You may have found a way to make a bit of extra money this fall. This may include ways to aid in the safety of young people?s fall activities. Set a timer for tonight?s baking agenda. |
![]() | When obtaining a loan, be careful to ask for just what you need and not necessarily what you want--you will be granted the loan--but ask for a long enough grace period to recover before having to begin the payback. You could be seen by others as just the person to be put in charge of some project requiring a conservative mind. Blocks and all manner of hot spots may be discovered and have to be worked through. You will, however, work through these blocks quickly; your attitude is in keeping things simple and moving forward. Nothing seems to slow you down today. Interaction with authority figures or seniors may be in the forecast. Working with--rather than against--the flow should be easy to do. Plan the next social affair on your turf. |
![]() | Professional advice may work in your best interest today. A relentless getting down to essentials makes your sense of management and practical vision very useful. You have a sense of mass psychology: how to organize and manipulate sensitive areas of the public mind. Work and career may become a primary focus at this time. There are opportunities to make good decisions. You are at your most practical--what happens now may have a lasting effect on your professional direction--and it is all good. Don't be afraid to project that image--make those dreams real. Things are happening and your career is on an upswing. You and your co-workers celebrate this time of year by contributing or helping out a charity--good for you! |