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![]() | Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have before now been disconcerting should find easy explanation under your keen examination. A continuing exercise program is beneficial and others may comment on the results you have been getting lately. You will want to continue along this line and may decide to check out a health food store on your way home this evening. Purchase items only after thorough review. Find out the side effects by researching through the literature. Do not take just one person's viewpoint for now. Nothing works faster than hard work--one day at a time. Get into the habit of reading the ingredients list on prepared items. |
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![]() | You have the power to take you into the zone of real success but you must first have a plan. Today you spend a lot of time examining your foundations, responsibilities and basic security. You can dispense with all that is unsound or superficial--leaving only that which has been properly determined or solid. New ways to organize and self-discipline are possible now. Here is an opportunity to get some insight into your goals and plans which may prove to have great value in the years to come. Break up old habits--get out of ruts, etc. You have the power to get things moving when others have a loss of ideas or incentive and this makes you a powerful asset in the working world. Through the end of this month there are opportunities to meet your future.
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![]() | Not getting enough rest will cause you to feel blocked or frustrated emotionally--pay attention! Don't be surprised if you are not in top mental gear today. If you have not had plenty of rest, then be careful in pushing yourself beyond what is reasonable. You want to get down to the facts so that you can work quickly and do away with any problems. While there are exciting new changes and breakthroughs, you cannot do everything at once--easy does it! Science, philosophy and, perhaps, religion are likely to seem as if they hold the answers now. True wisdom lies in discovering that there are no ultimate answers, only good questions. Books, movies, science reports and television news all play a part of your good communication skills this evening. |
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![]() | Many times you start a project and by the time you reach the end you realize how you could have approached the subject with, perhaps, a smarter method. Do not beat yourself over the head here--you are not the only one that feels this way from time to time. Realize the need for an adjustment and move forward. You will find that your mind and thoughts will be very intense for now. There could be a lot of pressure to make decisions that you will regret later--concentrate on thinking things all the way through. No one seems to drive us any harder than we do ourselves. Give yourself credit as when you are given only a few facts, you are able to take in a situation and come up with the real idea of what is happening; positive results happen. |
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![]() | Others value you for your ability to make practical decisions concerning group issues. You have a natural sense of what the public needs. You are a very forceful speaker and communicate with great enthusiasm. Words just flow out and are always followed by an emotional impact that brings them home to your listeners. Important decisions affecting others could be made now. You may be able to bring a group together with words or ideas that transport others. There is an emphasis on communication, expression of ideas and the connections between things, places and people. What goes on in your mind is the all-important motivation in your life--you admire intelligence. Poetry, art, movies, books and all forms of escape could prove very enjoyable. |
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![]() | Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have--mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have been previously confounding should find easy explanations under your keen examination. There is a need to be respected and you may need to speak up and take charge in matters of progress. Someone else is ready to step in and take credit for your accomplishments. You make great progress when you back up your words with facts and not emotions. You develop a knack for organizing things and people as a sense of ambition and practicality takes hold. Work, achievement and ambition are all the things that mean a lot to you now. Everything seems to be working together--you will communicate your feelings well. |
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![]() | You seem to shine when it comes to practical matters or those involving work and career. You could find yourself mentally acute and in a problem-solving mood. However, there is a real possibility that the decisions you make today and the solutions you find may have to be redone tomorrow. Check and recheck any contracts, appointments and plans to avoid the problem of reworking things. Make sure all the necessary signatures are present and transactions are complete. Your easy way with superiors manages to get the most out of a business transaction today. At home this evening you can be very giving and flattering. Situations may demand that you be reflective and tactful. Love is eminent as you display your charming and gracious self. |
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![]() | You are passionate in your search for truth today--nothing superficial or temporary holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts through to the heart of things. You are the type of individual that enjoys working with scientific discoveries/genetics/research, etc. You are always eager over new discoveries and want to be a part of the development. Staying within the medical field or the university grants are where you want to be; you will be particularly happy about an upcoming project at this time. There may be some tricky finances connected with your business or profession and you will need to attend to this today. You seek to understand and improve situations, finding new but secure ways to better conditions. |
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![]() | You will prosper by pursuing your ideals and most deep-seated dreams of how life could be. Don't be afraid to project that image--make those dreams real. Ideas of group cooperation could further your career. Friends, group projects and community concerns could play a key role that affects your career direction. Charitable efforts can affect your work and life-path now. People love to be with you and find you very easy to love. Everyone wants a piece of you and this can result in your needing a special place to be alone. You may find yourself sectioning off an area within your own personal surroundings. Perhaps an office or a plant room with a desk in one corner will be appropriate. This will be a place to enjoy some creative expression. |
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![]() | You appear perhaps more charming and refined than usual. This could be the time to ask for a special date--or apply for a particular job--or otherwise make yourself known. You may be looking forward to entertaining tomorrow evening and find your thoughts coming back to the upcoming party again and again. You may also have the urge to buy things for the house or the party this afternoon. Careful--do not go overboard--people will enjoy the simplistic, more than you think. Exchanging information takes on more emotional significance. Being more involved with neighbors or sibling(s) satisfies a deep emotional need. Open and lively communication between loved ones is important as you find a common interest to be involved with this evening. |
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![]() | You may be sought after for your advice and council regarding a business matter today. You will be able to understand whatever it is that stops progress. You will quickly handle this material thoroughly. You are able to cut through the red tape and get at what is true. Working behind the scenes may pay off a great deal when you surprise others with techniques, advice or just general information that will make a difference in the positive outcome of a project. It is time for recognition and rewards for your hard work. A request for that raise or change of atmosphere may receive positive reviews now. Increase your endurance through exercise. Begin the habit of walking, bicycling, etc., with or without a friend. Love blossoms tonight. |
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![]() | You are good at expressing your sensitivity to the needs of others just now and are in a good position to communicate concerning groups and society in general. You may find that others are supportive of your desire to get ahead. Circumstances should work together to help bring out your goals--making it easier to make your dreams a reality. You may find yourself examining and testing the best path to your goals. There is a surge of independence and a need for freedom to make your own way. There is an interest in trying new and different things or ideas. You may find new friends await you. Do not break away from the old completely but plan to merge any activities that will work in your favor to achieve your goals at a faster pace. |