![]() | Information that you have been examining and thinking about will now begin to take shape. This next period is one of action and embarking on new projects. You will feel more and more confident and outgoing. Things that may have been in suspended animation for many years will now take on structure and shape. The price of success could mean that ideas and some accepted methods of communication are ignored, or set back. Social relationships are a special focus now. Travel and animated discussions play a part in this and could be less than satisfying in some respects. Important financial decisions require more information than you realize at this time. It's highly important to gather and learn all the facts at this time. |
![]() | Careful, today your drive and passion may put you at odds with authority figures. There is a tendency just now toward speaking and not thinking through what you want to say. Put your problem-solving techniques to work and look for the opportunity to improve--not necessarily to report or complain. You have a lot of ideas for improving a variety of life situations. Write down facts and options so that you and others can make clear, thought-out comments that will create positive results. At home this evening you can relax and visit with friends and family. Be as adaptable as you would like others to be. A clear-minded insight into your own plans and methods is available to you. Tonight, a social event is fun. |
![]() | Learning to manage change--much of it arising from social or technological development--is vitally important now. Don't be caught sleeping at the switch, thinking that things will remain the same--they will not. If you are not prepared for change you might find that change happens when you are not looking for it. The place where you work is a motivated, forward-moving company. Now is a time to gather and exchange information that will prepare you for future advancement. You may find that both your personal growth and your career depend on how you can handle some sensitive psychological material coming up now. You will benefit from analytical insights--getting to the heart of things. You are in a positive place. Music will help you relax tonight. |
![]() | You must pay attention today; new information can change your method of work. Money, sex and health can be a focus for this--travel may help decide the outcome. You have an abundance of good practical job-related ideas. The ability to communicate with superiors comes easily. Your practical side is showing today and that is good. There are breakthroughs in your career just now that could begin to unfold and help you to reach new levels of accomplishment. Proceed with an attitude of high hopes and raised aspirations. Friends are your greatest allies this afternoon and you may enjoy just hanging out and being part of the group. Be careful what you ask for this evening--it could be granted to you. Sing, hum and enjoy your surroundings. |
![]() | Today may bring opportunities to move or change your position in the workplace. A turning point is occurring now that may require some careful thought and good judgment on your part. Be open to the ideas of others as you may find fresh opinions. You can make great headway with whatever you are involved with just now, which could include personal and business activities. Projects you have been putting off at home may be done this afternoon. It looks as if you will receive some help or assistance where you need it the most. Pay attention to what you are doing; acting on impulse can lead to false starts. Respond to long overdue correspondence tonight. Perhaps you could write a thoughtful letter to a sibling. Entertain pleasant thoughts tonight. |
![]() | Use your instincts to help you make some important decision this morning. Do not second-guess a gut feeling. You will also be asked to lead a meeting today. A colleague may need a favor this afternoon and you happily spend a little time to help. Your home and family environment are likely to be the scene of many challenges. People who want to do things their way seem to pull the rug out from under you. It's important to take action, but only where it can do the most good. This is where your responsibilities are today: where the most good can be done. Women play an important role in making your business or professional life more lucrative now. A business social gives you an opportunity to network; go and take your partner or loved one with you. |
![]() | New business opportunities are opening up for you today. This could mean a new job, new investors, new promotion . . . do not hesitate to make your move. This is a good time to make decisions in your own professional life as well as helping to improve your company's business. As you make decisions on what to purchase, good results happen as you check credentials, seek financial advice or compare products. Traveling home this afternoon you may become aware of a group of people who cannot help themselves and they may just simply need advice. Perhaps you have stopped along the way to visit with someone in the hospital or checked on an animal at a clinic. Helping those who cannot help themselves and getting them help is important to you. |
![]() | You may not place much value on ideas and thoughts today. Hard work and research tells the truth, however, and you are ready to express your opinion. Remove the emotions and go with the facts. You have the statistics to back up your research and you are ready. Something that someone says or communicates to you may have created the desire for research--this is good. Lessons learned in business situations are valuable. A different manner of presenting yourself may be in order. In-depth discussions find you at your mental best. As a stress relief, enjoy some form of sports or exercise this evening. Relationships are highlighted now. Clear the agenda this evening and be there for a loved one. Allow your partner to make some decisions. |
![]() | Acting on impulse can lead you in directions that go nowhere, so watch out for tendencies to be hasty or temperamental. Now is not the time for you to initiate a change--you could be very close to reaching your goals. Continue with your hard work and you will see great results. An urge to change and try new things may challenge and overturn your hard work. However, new ways to communicate will make conversations and interactions go well. You might also keep your eyes open for a spur-of-the-moment financial opportunity. Taking care of work issues is uppermost important. You may find yourself more talkative than usual this afternoon. Using your practical side takes on a special importance. Good news comes in the mail today. |
![]() | Moody, even dreamy, describes the emotions of the day. It may be difficult to get into a more practical way of thinking. Focus . . . set your mind to completing your work and take plenty of breaks. An unfocused mind can be just as bad as a stress-filled day. A craving this afternoon may cause you to wonder just what it is that makes people prefer one thing over another, particularly food. Today your desires may be for chocolate or caffeine. Instead of ignoring the urge, do a little research. You may find a health reason for that desire. Some peaceful recuperation time may be in order after a busy day. Relaxation is easy to obtain after a bit of exercise and exercise is fun with a friend. The night is yours. |
![]() | Opportunities appear all around you and when this happens, it always seems to challenge the direction in which you thought you were going. You must decide whether the risk is worth the change it will bring about in your situation. You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions. Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have this afternoon--mental discipline should come easily. This afternoon moves along smoothly and you have no problem with the choices you have made today. You look forward to this evening and may think of a few things that you will need later this evening. You may have decided to cook a romantic meal this evening and candles are the essential item that you might not have at home. |
![]() | This is a great working day. Much can be accomplished. You may be sought after as just the person for a problem-solving situation. Your directional abilities, plus the talent of getting to the core of a situation, are in high focus. This is a progressive day in which plans can be made or finding your way through just about any problem ends with positive results. You feel successful. Good advice from a guide or older person is available--if you need it. This is a time to broaden your horizons, both intellectually and spiritually. Education, publishing, broadcasting, advertising, legal and political interests offer opportunities, if you are on the lookout for them. Discussions of travel prevail this evening. Solid plans can be made about direction and expenses. |