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Saturday Zodiac October 8

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 This Saturday you may be moved to taking risks. When we become truly inspired by something that we consider to be extraordinary then truly extraordinary things begin to happen for us--particularly in our thought process. Today you are inspired. You will be most creative in some artistic way and you use that creativeness now to enjoy the company of loved ones. Your attention is greatly appreciated. You bring helpful insights for each individual to enjoy. Late this afternoon you may decide to dive into a little exercise. Staying active feels natural and will improve your vitality. Taking a long walk, jogging or biking can benefit your body and you will get to know the neighborhood! You can be very romantic tonight.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 Practical matters are uppermost in your mind--you sort out anything that needs doing. Taking care of personal business may be the major theme where your emotional orientation is concerned. You like organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished. After the bills are written and the letters are answered you may decide today is the perfect time to pay a visit to a museum or library or to attend a lecture. There are some profound changes available for you now, on a personal level--psychologically and perhaps physically as well--as if you are transforming into an entirely new person. Friends want to socialize tonight and you may join them--keep an eye on your diet. Good feelings, laughter and hugs come easily this evening.

Aries  March 21-April 19 Your emotions are not in tune with the more sensitive and private areas of your life. Push on now without gaining some kind of focus, and you risk some very turbulent emotional scenes. Take some time to enjoy a hobby or exercise your talents. This is a very contemplative day as you delve back into your memories and reassess many of the pivotal events of your life. This would be a good time to go through the old photograph albums. You are looking for some level of meaning now and will examine your past looking for patterns. Look for the achievements that you have made. With a new focus on your goals, the time is positive for new beginnings. Refreshed and refurbished, you could even go dancing this evening.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 You seem to be in a hurry today--which may place yourself at odds with others. You could make mistakes you regret. Pace yourself--others want to help you. You have a lot of energy for making improvements in your surroundings or life situations. You are motivated to improve. This could also involve repair or decoration of your home. A short trip into the country for nature?s artistic gifts--colored leaves, berries, herbal seeds--may involve the whole family. Your support system--family, home, those who give you nourishment--becomes more secure these days. You are able to dispense with some of the unessential and develop what is most true in your environment. You encourage better support and are able to lend a helping hand.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 There are many meaningful days this month. You will be reaping the rewards of your hard work, even though it may only be the good feeling that comes when you do your best. This is a rewarding day. Everything conspires to value and to bring out your unique and unusual qualities. You may find that someone close to you understands and is supportive of your ideas or wishes. You could be very inventive at this time. There is a desire to explore all kinds of new horizons. Travel, education and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity. Today is a good day to take off for a vacation or just take the time to relax. Time away from regular responsibilities gives you new insight and a renewed appreciation of your own status in life.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 Friends and distant family members have a need to stay in touch today. The phone is ringing and an accidental sighting of a friend may have everyone talking about the next reunion or holiday. This is a great time to be with friends or family members. If you are visiting in-laws or family members today, make it a point to give thanks to your host or hostess. Forgetfulness may be the earmark of today?s energies; keep notes. You find inspiration for a creative talent--art, poetry, etc.--and may find yourself encouraged to teach a creative class during the holidays: perhaps greeting cards, thank you notes or handmade gifts. You are positive and will encourage others to either keep up their good work or make whatever changes they need to make to improve their life.

Leo  July 23-August 22 Challenges provide you with many choices and this is one of those days in which there should be thinking before acting. Stay as focused as possible on whatever projects you have set out for yourself; you will be quite satisfied at the results. You could be building the model of the next super airplane or spaceship. Conversations with friends this afternoon could get into things like time travel or a psychic premonition. There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams. You may find breakthroughs in understanding as you view a situation from a different angle. You put a lot of consideration into reshaping and renewing your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt.

Virgo  August 23-September 22 This is the best time this month to start a diet or a new exercise plan. You have an instinctive urge to get serious about taking care of yourself. Diet, exercise and work somehow mean more now: you want to feel good about yourself and the way you do things. You could have difficulty getting outer recognition for your efforts or accomplishments. This does not mean they are worthless but it does mean you should throw your efforts into work or a venture you really love doing. A friend wants your approval on an upcoming decision. This evening would be a good time to spend with a loved one. Emotions are up and you may even find yourself pondering a bit on the meaning of life. Generally, this may prove to be a very satisfying day.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 Emotional security, a sense of belonging and nurturing are felt instinctively now. You want roots, and you want a sense of intimate connection. You make every effort to improve your living conditions as well as relationships. You value what is factual and straightforward and have a particular repugnance to anything secret. You know you must be willing to listen in order to have the best communication between hard-to-understand people. Making a good impression and putting your best foot forward takes on greater importance now as you receive many social invitations this fall. You may be reassessing your wardrobe as appearances and styles are important to you. Romance, the arts and life's other pleasures take center stage now.

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 There is a more outgoing quality to your life style now. Besting others in the heat of competition and taking on a leadership role means more to you now than in the past: second best is not good enough! This may mean some sort of competition involvement. Meeting yourself in another person is the keynote of a new cycle that begins for you now. Relationships--romantic, business, social--are the arenas where this drama is played. In coming to know the other person and forging ties that bind two people, you come to a better understanding of yourself. It's easy in theory, but it's only in practice that it comes to mean anything real--so practice until you get it right! Family and friends have plenty of hugs for you today. A partner is quite amorous tonight.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 You are in control today and it is up to you to keep the peace. This may mean you have more seniority than your peers or it could mean you have been appointed a particular responsibility. This is called power and it is not a bad word! Once you adapt to the concept of power, you may acknowledge that you are able to successfully make a positive difference in whatever you are trying to accomplish. You may spend much of today in tearing down what does not work and building it up again. Harmonious ties to others are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you seek. With all of this energy you may find romance and social interactions become greatly important to you. Tell someone of your love in a romantic way this evening.

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