![]() | You may find yourself handling a personnel problem at work today. It is up to you to smooth the ruffled feathers and you are able to smooth problems out very well. Handling a problem is perhaps the key element in your personality make-up. How you manage difficulties, find that diplomatic solution, or come up with the right approach are all built around your talents. You sometimes forget that you have this ability to charm others, solve problems and put others at ease. Keep an eye on expenses. Continued success on the career level may point to your abandoning some of your ideals. While success is important, do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Try for a good compromise--opportunities continue. |
![]() | In-depth discussions and probing conversations will find you at your mental best today. Your analytical abilities are praiseworthy. Your perception is heightened as you become involved in some problem solving. Your career motivation is constant and relentless. You will prosper by staying focused. You may win favor with your superiors by determining and honoring their expectations and showing outstanding effort. In a community organization this afternoon, pay attention to rumors and confront anyone who might be undermining your position or efforts with the truth. Expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you. You get the attention of others when you speak. Tonight is all arranged . . . bring a camera and enjoy. |
![]() | Someone may challenge your values or good taste today. You could find it difficult to be appreciative of others just now. This is not the best time to shop, choose colors, etc. You may not find full support for your particular tastes. Some of the planets are in position to create a tendency to lack any real sense of yourself or be unable to communicate or convey your ideas--patience. Take your breaks--stay away from greasy, heavy meals, drink plenty of water and exercise this afternoon. You will find a return of your energies in no time. Although you have the ability to rally support, today is a day to seek solitude. The afternoon and evening will be much more positive for you and a walk after the evening meal can be quite enjoyable.
![]() | Everything points to your taking the initiative. You could feel great support from those around you, or circumstances could dictate your taking action. You feel healthy and natural. This is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way for you. Seek to expand your horizons so as to advance your career. You may more easily make a positive impression on someone in an influential position now. Opportunities present themselves and you may find yourself wanting and able to do almost everything. Confirming your plans will secure the outcome. This is a very good time to communicate your goals and put them into words. It is also a good time for carrying out your plans. The attention of young people this evening is joyful. |
![]() | This is a time of change and this change may manifest as an inner search for a deep meaning of some spirit-filled situation. If an unusual opportunity presents itself, give it your attention and ask plenty of questions. You may have flashes of insight and breakthroughs regarding your deepest sense of truth. Perhaps unconventional, you are straightforward about getting to the heart and truth of things. Getting your message across to others is at a high this afternoon. A commitment you make now may bring opportunities for career advancement soon. You are ready to take an intimate relationship to the next level. You might enjoy planning a trip together. Take time to get away from the everyday hassles this coming weekend. |
![]() | You may wish you had more of the self-assurance of a friend or co-worker. Never fear . . . you appear perhaps more charming and refined than usual. Now could be the time to set up an appointment, apply for a job or otherwise make yourself known. Contact with important individuals and making personal appeals is advised today. Perhaps a small amount of insecurity is good--you will not rush into chancy opportunities for now. You are, however, driven and passionate in your pursuit of inner growth at this time. You search for opportunities to grow and enhance your life. You use as much passion to improve your health this afternoon. You find a good outlet for your extra energy and are to be praised for your efforts.
![]() | Travel and other contacts with faraway people and places will play a bigger role for you now. Such things bring love and gain in one way or another. Higher education or philosophical or religious contacts could have a part in making good things happen. This is a great time to work and be with others. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. You are an aggressive prime mover, a starter, able to initiate and get things moving. Not always hot on the follow-up, you may tend to get the ball rolling and get out and go on to other things. This is one of the things that make you a better leader than a follower. You may be sought after for your advice regarding very personal issues this evening. There is a new understanding. |
![]() | People enter and exit your area of work; you process paperwork, look up files and check on benefits and even answer phones--the day is a busy but successful one. Think about your choices before you make them today--circumstances could be misleading. You are coming into new energies that are centered on taking what you know and what you have achieved and making the most of it. Assimilating information and learning lessons and putting them into practice is the focus now. It's a time for prudence and stewardship, a time to tend to the details. Your intuition is strong and can guide you accurately in making forecasts or decisions. A positive attitude will help you overcome any difficulties now. Hug your family members for no reason. |
![]() | There is a drive to probe and penetrate the actions of another today. Be patient with yourself as well as others just now and you will gain the positive response you need at this time. Your struggle to succeed is aided when you show self-control. You may find yourself working on several difficult projects today. Checking your thoughts may be the most essential skill for shaping both your inner and outer experience. This afternoon you may be moved to appreciate the beauty in your life and in those around you. Taking some time to relax, you may notice the many blessings around you . . . you will be pleased. Be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much just now. You are rewarded by saying no to a get-rich-quick scheme tonight. |
![]() | Working in groups or as a team player proves most profitable today. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Real power is always hidden--finding it means delving into the secret places and that's where you are bound to look now. The forbidden, the taboo areas, the great mysteries that no one speaks about in "polite" company seem to hold the answers and you seem compelled to deal with them. You are having fun today--your mind is stimulated and there is much to accomplish. This afternoon seems to hold the same pattern as you may find yourself being put to good use by your friends, or it could be that circumstances force you to reorganize and be more conservative. All of this should go smoothly--be guided by your common sense. |
![]() | You may find yourself confronting an authority figure today. This could be a good thing if you are friends as well because a clear understanding may be what is needed to push for positive results concerning a whole group. If you are not close, phrase your question carefully and show that you want what is best for the whole. Do not push if your questions do not receive clear answers. Radical and inventive ideas may hold the key to realizing your ambitions and advancing your status--a shake-up could be in the works. The new broom sweeps clean; old patterns of organization and power are ripe for an innovative approach. You are gifted and even lucky when it comes to career decisions. Things will manage to work out well for you at this time. |
![]() | Your job may be one where the direction is already planned. Perhaps there are schedules and steps by which you are guided. This creates the best working condition and you can outshine anyone as you support those in control. Others love to be with you and have you work for them. Once the ground rules are laid out, you can take the bull by the horns and make most businesses profit high above the others. There is something about you that others cannot seem to get enough of; yet for all your confidence, you may depend on outside advice and council. This could be a wise move as you may sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture. Do be careful, however, in whom you confide. Travel, education and other ways to stretch your horizons are available now. |
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