Bangladeshi Singer Fakir Alamgir

Fokir Alamgir is a popular folk and pop singer of Bangladesh. He has got his own style of music which is the blend of traditional folk song with western instruments. He has released many albums most of which have been immensely popular. Among his famous songs are O Sakhina, Shantahar, Nelson Mandela, Dr.Yunus, etc. He is also the founder of the cultural organization Wrishijo Shilpi Gosthi

Tuesday Horoscope September 20

Aries  March 21-April 19 It is easy to overdo today. Your energies are high and you may feel that you can do anything. You are smooth when there is a need to solve problems. However, do not try to reorganize a business or reroof the house in one day! Set your priorities and pace yourself. Your patience may be tested after work today. You may complain of never having any privacy, or time to think--even though you are the one choosing the amount of social and professional contact. Being an extrovert, you may have difficulty understanding reclusive types; you may long to suffer in solitude--a balance is needed. Your mind is ever on communicating well: how you present yourself and are understood. This evening it is time to do only the most relaxing things; laugh!

Virgo  August 23-September 22 Smiles are easy to find--you will find yourself in a social mood most of this day and although you work and get a lot done, it is easy to respond with conversations to co-workers and to customers. Connections that last a lifetime and networking opportunities that help you to expand your knowledge on some hobby make this day quite interesting. New and unusual ways of working may be possible through some of your communications and perhaps, a higher paying job opportunity is within your reach; pay close attention. Like the artist that depicts a beautiful scene, you have an artful way in which you express yourself. If you are not careful, company may still be around your place a week after the time expected. A trip may be in order soon.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 Stressful conditions or difficult people in the workplace this morning may cause you to question your choice of profession but with patience and a little counting to ten several times, the morning proceeds harmlessly and you are, once again, saving the day. Do not resent the part you play; without the stress you would not be motivated to the next step up the corporate ladder. You may want to take a short trip or visit a new friend. Perhaps you and your friend could shop together this evening. Purchasing, selecting colors and so on are at a high this evening. You want to look your best regarding an upcoming social engagement. This engagement may be very important to you in the future. You are interested in connecting with new, stable, trustworthy people.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 You feel a love of order and law--an appreciation for responsibilities and duty. Discipline is no problem, but you may want to be careful of becoming too authoritarian. Your sense of responsibility is well developed and you may successfully help a co-worker overcome some difficulty or change some difficult situation in their life. Taking care of an older person or tending to the little problems around your living area may hold your attention after work today. Problems are few and far between for you and you seem more than happy to help in any opportunity that comes to your attention. There is a renewed interest in a hobby this evening, perhaps in writing or cooking. This has been a successful and pleasant day.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 Beyond whatever external considerations may be present, you exude a contagious thankfulness and fondness for things and people. These inner, loving qualities are experienced as a very real good. You seem to gravitate to those things which last and hold true and are always separating the false from the true. You manage to find the truth in most matters. Matters of law, religion and philosophy of the most resolute kind hold your interest. You may find yourself reading and catching up on the latest business technology at the library, bookstore or news stand. New ways to organize and better discipline are possible as well. Here is an opportunity to get some insight into some techniques of solving problems that may prove of great value in the years to come.

Leo  July 23-August 22 You will find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think things through today. Any career decisions are straightforward and easy to make. You make your way through ideas, concepts and your ability to communicate and express them to others. Outer circumstances and the flow of events make it easy for you to make clear decisions, see the road ahead and move forward. Things seem to fall into place and progress is easy. Be careful not to take on more than you can process. There is a major life event now that marks the end of a formative period and the beginning of more independence. You are on your own and this marks the start of increased responsibility and accountability. This is a time for deep thought.

Libra  September 23-October 23 You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. When communicating with supervisors today, you may have insight into their world and what they must do to succeed in their profession. Finding a way to serve or volunteering to help in some charity project from the workplace will help you in your climb up the ladder as well as give help to others. You come up with brilliant ways to help your co-workers and you are appreciated. Communication after work seems focused on young people. New methods of raising kids or caring for animals are yours. You relax with children, sports, acting, singing and such this afternoon. A reservation may have to be made ahead of time if you enjoy horseback riding or some other interest.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 Support and recognition should be available from the public and from family and friends. A new project is at hand. Perhaps some monetary rewards are in the forecast. You feel at home in the world and it more than takes care of you. You could have deep insights into your own feelings and inner spirit. You may be attending or giving an art show this evening. Some shopping may be in order. Your taste in art and appreciation in general are heightened. You may be motivated to make some decisions about your creative expression today. Your sense of value is active just now. This is a good time to select furnishings, colors and so on--the finer things of life. Sit back and enjoy what you have; share your good mood with a loved one.

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 Listening becomes important today as you try to understand new ways of working. Ideas and thoughts are important for the art of creation and will not come easily if you are stressed. A round table discussion presents the perfect forum for your presentation as well as gives you the opportunity to add to your own creative mind; be patient and bide your time before making yourself known. After you make your presentation, make sure you take notes on what you have heard and how you want to grow and achieve. You are successful in your efforts; keep moving forward by adapting and adjusting. You have no idea what people really think, so do not feed any feelings into the matter. A cycle of nostalgia and domesticity begins this evening.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 You could be moody, even dreamy today. Relaxation techniques will benefit your frame of mind by giving you positive avenues where you can release any negative feelings. It is easy for you to find the proper motivation now to change any negative to a positive. Generally, this is a creative and successful time in your life--one of healing. Problems could lose some of their definition and appear less difficult. You might have a sense of living in a dream world or of being awake in your own dream this evening. Everything seems less solid and definite. The spirit world seems real and possible. Enjoy observing all the things you can see that really make the world a pleasant place. Enjoy the sunset. You may even have ideas for encouraging others.

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 Everything works together to reveal you at your best today--particularly in group gatherings. You will have a grasp for abstract as well as practical ideas which is one reason you are usually included in solving problems or brain-storming meetings. Whether it is you or someone else that comes up with a clever idea, you can usually create the practical side to the situation making the idea workable or showing the difficulties. With this talent, you may find that some days you are received well by all your co-workers and some days you are keenly unappreciated. Go with the flow and you will fare better. A picnic in the park might be fun early this evening, if weather permits; whatever the case, an early dinner with good conversation is satisfying.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 This is quite a busy day, one that seems to be pulling you in many directions. Prioritize and don't skimp on your breaks, those breaks legally belong to you. If the company has added work, they may need to hire a temporary helper; if a project is into a tight schedule, it may mean some overtime but the breaks are important for your sanity as well as your job performance. After work there is an opportunity to become involved in some athletic activity; join in to relieve any tension leftover from the workday. There is a strong need for nurturing and to be nurtured. This could evolve from needed rest but it could also be an indication that it is your time for getting into a volunteer group or in a religious group that visits shut-ins or the handicapped.