Wednesday Horoscope November 30

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 You exhibit the ability to focus and make all sorts of ideas into practical matters--bringing them into possibilities. You have great discipline when it comes to working with whatever binds or links people together. You would be able to teach and guide others. You grasp the principles that bind things together, the essentials of a workday, practical religion, etc. Someone's ideas may need adjusting and you seem to be able to step in and create a smooth adjustment. This could be a problem child or some friend with problems that need an understanding ear. You are not afraid to get into sticky situations--you always come up with the truth of a matter. Tell or hear a joke this evening. A time out from all the problem solving would be a good break for you.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have previously been a problem, now find easy solutions. Your inner thoughts and ideas are easily expressed now. Expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to communicate. There is a feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level--stability and permanence satisfies a deep emotional need. Music is likely to play a more important role for you than usual this evening--perhaps you are experimenting with the writing of music. Surrender to the sounds.

Aries  March 21-April 19 You could discover a difficult co-worker that opens up to you today. One answer that may help this person is to help him or her break down a difficult task into manageable segments and teach how to organize time through your example. You appreciate responsibilities and will be very helpful in home matters. There is a feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level today. You are learning some valuable tools to better relationships. Remember that the frustrations you may experience from time to time are opportunities to use your new abilities in remedying difficulties. Stability satisfies a deep emotional need. Visiting with friends and sharing stories promotes happy times and future memories. Take plenty of pictures, often.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 Some of the issues confronting you now are in making peace with the past and coming to terms with any karmic debts you may have accrued in this life. Some suggest a backward walk or a review of each day and then letting go of any negative--perhaps, if needed, a correction in thinking may be all that is necessary. Of course, nature might appreciate a backward look more often. Sometimes an oil change, a toss of a piece of paper, an aluminum can or a gum wrapper can all have a ripple effect on our lives--for a long time in the future--recycle. Look into a more natural way to care for your garden or to get rid of the bugs in your home. Unconventional approaches to philosophy, religion, law and politics come to play this evening.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 You are most persuasive with others and a communication attempt with a difficult person is successful today. Your patience with the elderly is also commendable and you may decide to choose some form of volunteer service or business that includes care of the elderly--making their lives easier. There are good opportunities for you to work in the yard this afternoon. Perhaps you will be applying some mulch or some other product that will protect your garden this winter. Visiting with neighbors or young people this evening provides you with a stage for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. You may find yourself serving or guiding a friend in important matters. Someone else cooks dinner tonight.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 You spend a lot of time playing catch-up this morning. Get ready to do your best on a tough assignment this next month. Get your shopping out of the way soon! You may be sought after for your counsel regarding some very personal and emotional issues this afternoon. You are able to cut through the red tape and get at what is beneath and behind most problems today. You have a clear vision into your own inner sense of values: how you appreciate and love. This is a good time to examine and think about what is important and of lasting value. You could find yourself volunteering to help young people in some group activities this evening--perhaps in religious surroundings. A sense of harmony prevails. Whistle a happy tune!

Leo  July 23-August 22 With you in charge, successful endings are ahead. This is an easy, calm day that should find everything running in a smooth manner. Prosperity and security take center stage in your thoughts and you make your plans for next year's employee upgrade. You may find that you are appreciated for your ability to know what is needed and to respond appropriately. You are moved to appreciate and discover the beauty in your life and in those around you. You and a friend or loved one have the opportunity to enjoy some time together in an inspiring environment this afternoon. Music is an important aspect of this time. You may discover a new method of expressing yourself in some creative endeavor today. You could be discovered in a comedy club.

Virgo  August 23-September 22 This is not necessarily an argumentative day, but you will find yourself taking on more of an attitude of needing to agree to disagree. When you get home this afternoon, get the old bike out and spend some time taking a little bicycle ride. Your self-confidence increases with the success you have in the workplace. While you are riding that bike or taking that walk, think about the things you are really good at and make plans to cash in on the abilities you naturally have. Don't over-pressure yourself. Allow the pieces of your life to fall into place in an orderly fashion. A little time for relaxation and daydreaming is very important this afternoon. The success of a partner is testimony that you too can succeed. Follow the lead and find your own special success.

Libra  September 23-October 23 Some mystery in the work place will become easier to understand today; however, you could be missing a big chunk of the puzzle. It is important to discover the other-side-of-the-story, so to speak. There are two sides to every story. Be sure to look at both before passing judgment. If you are purchasing gifts this afternoon, run through that list and check it twice! You may be moved to appreciate and discover the beauty in your life and in those around you. At the same time, everything could take on added value and importance. Be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much just now. There are plenty of opportunities this month to spend your money. This evening is a good time to discreetly discuss some desired plans with a loved one.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 Others could find you a difficult person to deal with today. This however, is a good time to quietly stand your ground. Others may try to sway you to another way of thinking or try to get you to do something you do not want to do. This may involve the amount of payment for a job or the amount for which you want to sell your company. Your marketing skills are very good; now is a good time to show them off! This afternoon there are shopping needs. Look carefully at some of the advertisements near the front of the store; you may gain some ideas of ways in which to earn extra money or go into a business for yourself. Real estate may be a subject you also find particularly interesting. Your own growth and success may be linked to security.

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 Support from those you admire is your best influence. A positive change is coming in December. Taking responsibility for errors of the past and the ways you contribute to your own undoing are very important issues. Partnerships can take on a deeper, more loving aspect at this time. You will be more inclined to be sociable. You will also have more of an interest in a hobby or skill that may be separate from the workplace. This could be an interest in art, music, writing, working with trains, dolls or some sort of modeling--miniatures, cars, ships, etc. You will find plenty of opportunities to teach others, take lessons or talk about your collection, art or hobby. New people come into your life now--they are positive and they encourage you.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 Gathering and exchanging information becomes a more important part of your life . . . a very educational experience. Influential friends or family members have a big impact on your goals and make a big impression. This is a mentally and socially active period. What is a clear career decision may go against your sense of standards and how you feel about the matter. You may find yourself having to choose between your responsibilities and the things you love. You are a sort of wheeler-dealer with a special knack for knowing how to put people, ideas and things together profitably. Playing the role of a facilitator can be rewarding. Financial savvy and a practical turn of mind are qualities that also take on greater importance in your life now as well.

Tuesday Horoscope November 29

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 You communicate with consummate skill and it is stimulating just being with you. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able to excel in speaking, writing and all types of communication skills. Today you show your competitive side--perhaps even pushy. However, all is fair in love and war and your determination to prove yourself successful is at full steam ahead. Your ambitions go hand-in-hand with communication and using the mind and the two should never be far apart. You are full of suggestions today and you will motivate many through your own winning attitude. This afternoon you involve yourself in the arts . . . music, dance or even a sports competition. This evening you may enjoy a lively trivia game.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 Lovely words and a flair for description--the artistic in all its many forms is where you excel above any other today. You have an inner sense of warmth and goodness with the ability to express this. Kind and easy to be with, people enjoy being with you. This is a time for imagination and creativity when it comes to ideas and thinking. You may be working on some form of advertising or house design; whatever the case, you will hear praise from all around you. Your key word is responsibility--the ability to respond. You are able to find yourself in others, in relationships, rather than alone--a mirror or clear pool. You can be peaceful, calm and undisturbed. Today you manage to get a family member to agree to a plan.

Aries  March 21-April 19 You enjoy socializing with people from different backgrounds. You can be very popular when you are open to trying new things. With an open mind to what others have to say, you could feel great support from others. Showing up for work early, you are able to enjoy long relationships with friends from all over the world. You can be a positive influence on others just now. Think adventurously but be careful that your enthusiasm is not so strong that it makes others uncomfortable. Remember, others have to work and achieve at their own level. You will lead others today in some group activity. You are a natural group leader or trainer--your vitality and drive is communicated to everyone you see, especially the young people in your life.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 You are always out front and manage to spend a lot of time in the spotlight and today is no exception. Others find it easy to watch and learn from you. Your mind is on cutting through the nonessentials and penetrating to the core of issues--you want to know who, or what pulls the strings. Sex, taxes, investments and other subjects of life's most compelling phenomena may captivate your interest now. You are very animated and may find communicating your ideas is a particularly easy thing to do today. Political, lecturing or teaching concerns could be involved with this need to communicate. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends this afternoon. You show understanding to a friend this evening.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 Strong beliefs are keynotes to your power today--the power of ideas and the power they wield over people. Religious, cultural or philosophical controversies and crusades have a way of stirring your blood. You like to work with words and ideas and you have a natural appreciation for anything that is artistic. Ideas come quickly. Creative writing is an excellent outlet of expression. Put some thoughts down on paper for future use. You may find yourself editing or proofing work to be published. As you relax this evening, you could write in some form of prose. You may enjoy talking about your experiences today and asking the advice of an older and more experienced person. You enjoy looking for new ways of self-discovery.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 You could find yourself working a longer day than usual today--you may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. You are open-minded and democratic, enthusiastic and have a definite sense of mission. You are at home with different cultures, peoples and lands and may lend yourself to others for teaching reading, technical applications, math, etc. You love to work with and in groups and will find your day full of interaction with all different types of people. Your sense of responsibility will be what guides you and proves successful. Your general outlook on life is attractive--people seek you out to help them. You are a natural counselor and may find yourself involved in deep discussions concerning the lifestyles of others.

Leo  July 23-August 22 Your energies are up and there are lots of new projects that are up for grabs in your place of business. Outer circumstances make it easy for you to make clear decisions, as usual. Things seem to fall in place and progress is easy. Be careful not to overextend your energies--plan ahead. You want to get things organized--you have the initiative to do it. This is a time of ambition--a time to keep your cool and pace yourself. Working hard is smart, but working smart is better. Obtaining and exchanging information takes on a good deal of importance just now. Communicating feelings becomes more important, especially with family members this evening. Conversations of an inspiring kind may be in order with young people, or others around you.

Virgo  August 23-September 22 You have a lot of energy and drive today--perfect for starting something or for taking care of old business. Communications may tend to be short and to the point this morning. You are very determined and deliberate at whatever you choose to do. This is a great time to get things accomplished. Emotional beginnings, a fresh start, perhaps the establishment of new habit patterns is also in the making today. This afternoon is a good time to broaden your horizons both intellectually and spiritually. A strong urge for the social life may find you out and about this afternoon. Very physical too--exercise or romance is in order this evening. Perhaps you will meet that special person at the spa at the center. No matter; fun times are ahead.

Libra  September 23-October 23 Others may find you a little stressed but never disrespectful. Perhaps the pressure of completing your part of a job process is most important at this time. You may have insights or breakthroughs with regard to your working situation or life circumstances. Others value you for your independence and unique qualities. As a renewed energy takes hold in your life, romance and social interaction take on a greater importance for you as well. Harmonious ties to others are what you seek. The ideal partnership, the perfect balance, the highest standards of truth and beauty--are some of the things that quicken your pulse now. An afternoon get-together with neighbors or friends will find you laughing and enjoying yourself.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 This may be a slow day. You are happiest when lots of activity is around you. While the energies will pick back up soon, it is not the end of the world. You should take advantage of the slow-moving day by planning your next professional deal. It goes well for you when you offer to help another co-worker complete a project. The planetary influences make it possible for you to see things clearly and make successful, future financial plans. You are ready for a fresh start with regard to some personal routine--perhaps the establishment of new habit patterns would be beneficial. You can be very effective playing behind the scenes. This afternoon there is time for creative adventures while visiting a hobby store. Household chores are shared this evening.

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 At work, you may want to take charge of the most important issues first. You may have plans to leave work a little early today so you will busy yourself quickly and with purpose. This is also a time of ambition and responsibility as well as a time to be considered in some promotion. There are good results for your efforts today. You have the opportunity to show off your unique and unusual qualities all day long. Communication is at a high. There is time this afternoon to run a few errands, perhaps the cleaners, a florist, etc. On the home front there is an urge to do a little decorating. Enjoy dinner out this evening. Perhaps you will choose a new establishment or perhaps you are ready to entertain others tonight with your special cooking.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 You value independence, as well as anything unusual or different. You are expressive and creative and find ways to solve problems and accomplish projects at work today, very quickly. Someone near you, a neighbor, friend or relative may have added responsibilities this next weekend. Volunteer some of your time to walk the dog, bring in the mail, etc. Your offer will be appreciated and then the group of you can relax together later next week. When it comes to finances, you seem to have an angel watching over you. Of course, this does not mean you can throw caution to the wind and take risks. If you want to shop for a new winter coat or begin to purchase gifts for the next family celebration--after work today would be a good time to shop.

Monday Horoscope November 28

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 A friend may confide in you today and you may find yourself tossing the information around in your head most of the day. Think about this--perhaps this person confided in you because he or she needed help, not necessarily because he or she wanted you to keep a secret. Follow your heart. You contribute to harmonious relationships with family members today. Financial problems can be settled. When you invest . . . seek investments you believe in--making money can become doubly rewarding. Start by supporting a good cause. Time spent alone this evening can be very healing. Meditate and get your life together before going out. A new group or club offers traveling opportunities and you may very seriously consider joining.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 Close personal ties to other people are a focal point for your feelings--marriage and other partnerships could be a key arena for your activities today. You may be able to bring the family or perhaps a group of your friends together today to enjoy a play, a musical or an art exhibit. Achievement in poetry and art may be possible now. Your whole world may seem trance-like or dreamy. Movies, books and all forms of escape could prove enjoyable. This is a great time to reflect and understand your own path and any changes you might want to make. Your emotions and the feelings of those around you may be very easy to understand. A special relationship is highlighted this evening. It is your turn for happiness. Romance is possible.

Aries  March 21-April 19 There is time this morning to complete unfinished business, organize your desk and place a few plants around your work space. Make room for an extra sweater and some rain gear . . . just in case. This afternoon you may be asked to lead a group in some project where a conservative mind is an important factor. In working with so many different age groups of people, you are still able to mold the group into one mind so that every person can contribute as one. You are wise to encourage each individual in the group for suggestions and help. Working within a group can include trust and fair play and contributions that add up to a successful end result for your company. A loved one needs your support this evening.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 This is a good time for clear deliberation and problem solving. This is a vital day in which much energy and action is utilized. You could find yourself able to really communicate and get your ideas across to others. You are in a serious frame of mind and may find yourself dealing with matters of much concern and responsibility. A clear-minded insight serves you well. This is a very good time to communicate your goals and put them into words. Perhaps it is time for an employee review, but if not, it is certainly a good time to take your own notes that will help you focus on a few goals. An old neighborhood or school friend may drop by your house this afternoon to give you some material on a class reunion.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 You may find your attention drawn to subjects like law, politics, education, travel and religion. These are certainly some of the areas in which an emotionally charged drama will be played. Perhaps this is a better time to think and study--you have a real appreciation for ideas. You may find yourself enjoying a long conversation, writing a letter or making a special phone call. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends, or it could be that circumstances force you to reorganize and be more conservative. All of this should go rather smoothly. Your more common-sense qualities are valuable. A yearning for the stimulation of new ideas and goals is emphasized for now and new friends supply you with plenty about which to think.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 Hectic emotional energy, especially this morning, slows you from that long-desired camping trip or out-of-town visit with friends. Patience wins out and you will be on your way soon. Fun and adventure are on the schedule today. Take a chance on something exciting, creative and fun. Socializing is your talent and you can use it to your best interest--networking. This evening, new energies seem to fill you up with fresh ideas and thoughts. You could be at your most imaginative. New creative endeavors, including writing will be well worth your time and effort. You could become published before the end of next year. It is easy for you to find the proper motivation to fulfill your ideals or make your dreams into reality. Luck is with you.

Leo  July 23-August 22 The home and family scene are likely to be in a state of change now--this may mean moving, an addition to the family, or such. High-tech equipment impinges on the domestic environment somehow. An eccentric relative attracts some notice. Harmony and beauty are deeply satisfying--and the lack of them can be emotionally unsettling. You will do your best to close the gap between any misunderstandings among family members or between friends just now. Close personal ties to other people are a focal point for your feelings--marriage and other partnerships could be a key arena for this. A yearning for adventure stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before are deep and powerful longings.

Virgo  August 23-September 22 At heart, you have a deep sense of responsibility and purpose and this seriousness is genuine and felt by others. Your inner resources and emotions are accented. A group discussion may find you stepping in to lend a focus. Expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today or feel especially kind toward a friend or loved one. A visitor to your home may want to know about a fun sightseeing tour, or a play. Your unique and unusual qualities make you the center of conversation; everything is positive. You may find that others are supportive of your ideas. You could come up with new solutions. The good life and all that comes with it is what you aim for now.

Libra  September 23-October 23 You are at your mental best with clear thoughts. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of mental work. You may decide it is quiet enough this morning to balance the checkbook, work out a budget or just generally catch up on some reading. You could be feeling more inward and more like sharing some time with your lover or with close friends this afternoon. Perhaps this is not a time to be very outward or to try to present yourself to the world. You are feeling reflective rather than expressive. Some kind of healing process is at work in your life: you isolate what doesn't work, eliminate it and move forward. Tonight you may find yourself helping someone move or caring for children so that friends can have some time alone.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 Family and security are things that rattle your chain more than ever now. These are areas where you make new beginnings and bold moves--things you are willing to fight for . . . things in which it pays to be careful. Unconventional hobbies and other forms of self-expression may be enjoyed today. Too much time spent with your own project, however, may play havoc with someone else's plans. Refinement and relationships are the keys to emotional satisfaction for you. Harmony and beauty are deeply satisfying--and the lack of them can be emotionally unsettling. Be sure to set aside time for others today. This may mean an elderly person needs to hear your voice or a young child needs your assistance. Think before you speak!

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 Your love of truth makes philosophy and religious ideas lifelong habits. You appreciate things of a global or universal level and travel or studies of foreign lands could be a part of this interest. You may enjoy the company of friends this afternoon. Appearances mean little to you and you value honesty and sincerity in friends and partners. This is a time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions and basic life urges undergo change and transformation. You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before. Your home environment, friends and surroundings in general get attention and receive encouragement. Your life finally seems to have harmony and balance.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 An outgoing and very expressive cycle of experience has begun for you at this time. Now more than ever, you want to be admired and appreciated by others, to do and create things that stir their hearts. This is child's play; this is romance; this is taking a chance. This may be a time you find yourself among friends or family that look to you for guidance. Figuring things out takes on special significance for you. A heightened interest in health and diet, as well as an urge to get things organized into a rational system, is a part of this. Much mental busywork goes on today. Friends, group projects and community concerns could play a key role that effects your career direction. Altruism and humanitarian efforts can affect your work and life-path.

Sunday Horoscope November 27

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 Harmonious ties to others are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you seek. The ideal partnership, the perfect balance, the highest standards of truth and beauty are some of the things that quicken your pulse now. A co-worker may be much more agreeable this next week than in the past. You will prosper by pursuing your ideals and most deep-seated dreams of how life could be. Don't be afraid to push forward and make your dreams real. Ideas of group cooperation and communion could further your career. You make preparations for the work week ahead and consider some of your job options. You would work well with mental patients, prison inmates and the like. You and a friend may work together in a volunteer organization.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 You may feel restricted in some of your activities this day. It may be hard to organize or persevere. Do not force things. Be patient and let the chaos dissolve. Perhaps this is not the time to try to solve any serious problems or make important decisions. It could be hard to think. This is a good time for personal communications, however. If you are a clerk, you will find your work slowed a bit because of interactions with the public. This communication could be good for public relations and the upcoming season of retail business, but not so good for sales today. Think of ways to expand your social contacts. This afternoon a love relationship appears almost magical in the way you communicate. Let optimism lead you to a happy ending in a love story.

Aries  March 21-April 19 This is a great time to be with others and to work on a group project. You may be sought after as just the person to lead or organize. You are in a fun frame of mind but you can deal with matters of much concern and responsibility. If you are searching for a lost object, today you will find that object. You may be asked to help make some tough decisions concerning a senior member of your family. You are able to bring about an understanding as well as helpful ideas. This evening you are ready to socialize. Everything conspires to reveal you at your most elegant. You look forward to this time of the year, a time to enjoy friends and catch up on the lives of those you love. Today would be a good time to find a good hiding place for all your presents.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 You may find yourself working on a budget for your place of business as well as a personal budget. Budgeting is where your attention stays and planning for some sort of travel or a special gift may take just that--budgeting. You are a solid supporter of those you love and will get behind any worthy cause. If your plate is too full of outside responsibilities, you may find your own home lacking . . . careful. Emotional seriousness, a sober orientation and a practical awareness of the nature of time are the clues to your deepest feelings now. Ambition is intensified and you could be looking for a part-time job or trying to talk a family member into working part-time. Deal with the facts to find success. Enjoy the art of joke telling this evening.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 Emotional seriousness and a sober awareness of time are keynotes to your day. Some unfinished projects or some desired ability that you have been wanting to experience has lingered long enough. You may find yourself looking at continuing education classes in hopes of learning more about something you may want to accomplish--this could be piano, voice, computer knowledge or perhaps art. Clearing away the things that do not serve a purpose may also be part and parcel of this day. Your professional ambition is intensified--you aim to make a difference in this world: to accomplish--and you think of ways to be more prepared or organized. Look for ways to balance your activities. Now is a good time to show off your soft side to a family member.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 A drive to investigate and learn may find you examining and working through some problems that have lingered far too long on the home front. However, push too hard and you could be too dominating. You gain understanding and a sense of support from those around you today. In return, you offer support and understanding. Instant gratification is one of the temptations to which you may be subject now. This is a practical and materialistic kind of focus--one that emphasizes the making and spending of money. Learning what really counts is an important lesson that may be learned the hard way. Having and appreciating things of beauty and value also plays a big role in your life. This can be a financially favorable period.

Leo  July 23-August 22 Work, achievement and ambition are a definite drive these days. This day, however, is a good time to take care of some personal business you have previously postponed. You prepare for next working week and complete and mail letters, as well as update the checkbook. Obligations come to your attention. This afternoon you may find yourself hurrying to some neighborhood meeting. Being on the go and keeping a finger to the winds of change make you feel in touch. Learning and communicating satisfies your need to know. If you are not constantly growing and learning there could be a bit of frustration. Set a pace for something new in your focus every other month; this will bring in a feeling of satisfaction, no matter what is going on each day. Enjoy life fully.

Virgo  August 23-September 22 You are at your mental best today. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of whatever needs your attention. Work, health, diet and the other things that take care of us if we take care of them will be the topics of discussion among friends and family today. Self-achievement and competition concerning these subjects will help encourage successful results for yourself and others. The accomplishment of a self-improvement project can also lead to love and a new self-image, particularly if you stick with it. You demonstrate a great deal of understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and you are in a good position to communicate as well as volunteer your expertise. Expect a sense of support and good will.

Libra  September 23-October 23 You will find it easy to pour a lot of energy into helping those around you; perhaps you are in a volunteer situation. You may be called upon to smooth over the frustrations of a disgruntled loved one this morning. Patient sacrifice of your time is called for and teaches much. Learning what really counts is an important lesson that may be learned the hard way. You succeed in helping others to look upon all things with love, appreciation and open-mindedness; keep up the good work. This afternoon you may feel that you need some relaxation. Exercise is always a good way to spend a little time away from others. Relaxation may also come in some sort of group activities with friends. Refurbish that positive attitude of yours--romance is possible.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing today, but priorities or weather may demand that you tend to business close to home just now. Set aside some time for yourself this next week and make it known to others that you need some rest and relaxation time as well. Your management and directional abilities are in high focus today and all next week; now is a good time for planning. Remember, however, all-work-and-no-play certainly makes for burnout. You may be moved to appreciate and discover the beauty in your life at this time. Art and the involvement in some favorite hobby are where you will find yourself retreating this afternoon. You may find yourself teaching a cooking lesson to a young person this evening.

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 You may find yourself in an unrealistic and dreamy mood today. It may take extra effort--yours or someone else's--to hold your attention just now. You may find yourself feeling blocked and unable to express yourself. This will pass and the job for now is realizing that it is not a time to be productive. It is a time to rest and rejuvenate for the busy time ahead of you. It's up to you to stay on top of the latest developments so you may find that you spend much time in reading and communicating with friends. This evening you may find yourself shopping for food or decorations that will enhance a special meal. Careful--your current appreciation for just about everything may lead you to overspend or indulge too much. A harmonious gathering is planned.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 You are feeling, on top of the world and can do no wrong. Use these energies to accomplish tasks that you would not normally do at this time. A positive attitude benefits you greatly. Demonstrate the magic. Let optimism lead you to a happy ending in whatever you may be involved with today. Finances may top your list of concerns. Watch out for overspending in group activities. Make an honest attempt to stay within your budget. You look for ways to increase your income. You may find ways that a budget can also save the company for which you work some extra expense; keep notes. Your mind is on cutting through the nonessentials and penetrating to the core--you want to know who or what is in control.

Saturday Horoscope November 26

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 You could be seen by others as just the person to be put in charge of some project requiring a conservative mind. Work is intense today--there is a rush to complete projects. It is important to take your breaks and get some fresh air. This afternoon the focus could be on a change of residence for you or for a friend of yours. This is a good time to consolidate and organize your private affairs. General good feelings and a sense of support and harmony make this a happy time. Take time later this afternoon for relaxation and to also examine what is important and of lasting value in your life--an appreciative attitude. Friends or relatives give you a lot to ponder--this is a period of great mental activity and heightened communication with others.

Pisces  February 19-March 20 Perhaps this is a time to think and study, for you have a real appreciation for ideas and thoughts. You may find yourself enjoying a long conversation with co-workers or higher-ups today. Progress is inevitable and now is time to fit progress into your professional life. This could mean new equipment, adjustment to a new environment or scheduling of a new time schedule. There are sudden insights and breakthroughs regarding these new changes. There is also the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams--your imagination is at full tilt. Your home environment, friends and surroundings in general get attention and receive encouragement. A wish comes true this evening.

Aries  March 21-April 19 There is an instinctive imperative to be powerful and in control--pulling the strings. You may think you are in charge, but others have their own ideas and need your listening ear. This may lead to greater interest or experience in healing and investing and in the great mysteries of life and death. You may be reminded of a few responsibilities you previously volunteered to do for today--at work or home. This is a good time to get down to basics and take care of these responsibilities as well as some of your own business, previously postponed. A meeting with someone older is at hand this afternoon. With a listening and patient attitude, satisfactory agreements can be found. You could find that you are very much appreciated.

Taurus  April 20-May 20 While you may be using your analytical abilities today at work, you will also become involved in conversations about the winter seasonal activities ahead. A plethora of subjects, however, could interest you now. This could include law, politics, education, travel or religion. This afternoon you may find yourself being put to good use by your friends, or it could be that circumstances force you to reorganize and become more conservative. You may find yourself involved in a neighborhood meeting. Perhaps it is time to think about recycling, decorating or helping to clean up the neighborhood. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others. Allow the pieces of your life to fall into place in an orderly fashion.

Gemini  May 21-June 21 In the workplace, self-discipline and a sense of self-worth become important issues in your life as a new phase begins. A fear of asserting yourself can hold you back--as can coming on too strong. Attention to matters of health may come to your attention--perhaps you have plans to help the cook or to cook less fatty foods this season. This is a good time to begin an exercise program--perhaps early morning walks are in order. Today, someone new may come into your living situation or surroundings. This could be a birth or the agreement to have someone in your home for a while. You could discover a student or a young person opening up to you now. Later tonight, you dispense with some of the unessential and develop the basics for your environment.

Cancer  June 22-July 22 You are expressive and outgoing when it comes to your feelings and emotions--you wear your heart on your sleeve. You could successfully work with the arts and theater, in sports, or with the ultimate self-expression: children. Teaching, other than your own professional work, may be where you find yourself today. This could be as a tutor or a private teacher. Creativity and time to create are important to you. You may find yourself leaving things undone around your living area so that you can complete a craft or art project. This is also where you may find yourself teaching. Your attention may be focused on animals this afternoon. Besides your love of music, religion, drama, art or poetry and animals, your day can become rather full. You are satisfied.

Leo  July 23-August 22 This is a good time for clear deliberation and problem solving. You are in a serious frame of mind and find yourself dealing with matters of much concern and responsibility. This may mean that you will find new ways to clear away old debts or perhaps you find yourself tending to the needs of an elderly person in your family. You may be very persuasive--making clear decisions. Your whole base of knowledge and experience could be changing--your mind and your belief system. This afternoon is a good time to spend with a peer or loved one. Emotions are up and you may even find yourself pondering a bit on the meaning of life. You feel at one with your situation. Music, literature and romance are available this evening.

Virgo  August 23-September 22 This year holds plenty of opportunities for you to expand your financial and personal horizons. Your patience could be tested to the limits, however. Sorting things out and getting organized to the utmost efficiency keeps you busy. You find yourself in a very practical mood and working with, instead of against yourself. A friend in need or something you believe in that will suffer from a lack of your support may come to your attention before noon. You may be called upon to lend a helping hand. In helping someone else, you may find new ways to make your own dreams come true. This afternoon is a good time to reflect upon your own situation: just how you feel about yourself. You may wish to join your friends or family in some fun activities tonight.

Libra  September 23-October 23 You will learn something new from a mentor today. Take your time and study what is presented. You have some valuable information to assimilate. A young person may need lessons in managing his or her money and you are quick to respond with a plan. You could find yourself teaching several young people about handling money. Careful, do not become too carried away--they will learn about government economy soon enough. This is a great time of the year to plan time with friends and loved ones. Games and some sort of sports participation would not be an unusual activity for the group that gathers this afternoon. You are very competitive--even pushy--when it comes to partners and other people. This evening you spend time nurturing a friendship.

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 You possess, at the core, an intensity that burns through superficialities, searching for opportunities to face the truth and rendering the events to view. This ceaseless analytical activity, while central to your nature, may be a source of discomfort to others. This is where you may decide to help others in some way. You are sensitive to others and you know the difference between prying and advising. Conversations with distressed individuals will be encouraged by your positive insights. You enjoy the light-bulb effect that long talks promote. On the whole, this can be a great opportunity to widen the scope of understanding. Psychic worldviews and impressions from others are what fill your day. You enjoy sharing a new dessert recipe tonight.

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 You may appear very at ease this morning. Everything seems to be working together and you may find yourself expressive and able to communicate well. Interactive conversations find you at your mental best. Your analytical abilities are at a high point. This afternoon you could find yourself in hobby stores buying parts, games or an addition to your favorite pastime. Before you begin to play with those hobbies of yours, clean out or put away some of your collections that do not currently serve a purpose. Some young person may enjoy the items you no longer use. Friends may visit this evening and you could find yourself involved in the old, pick-things-up-before-others-see routine. Do consider a garage sale or a contribution to a thrift store.

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 This is not the best time for career or vocational decisions. Problems, however, are valued for the lesson(s) you can learn. You do not mind being slowed from your work in order to learn something new. You love your friends, keeping in touch, catching up on their lives, etc. Family, home and the other roots in your life, give you a sense of mission at this time. There is growth and gain through these things. Being appreciated and admired for your gifts and talents are powerful needs. Taking chances can bring big rewards. There are many opportunities for self-expression and others are interested in your particular ideas and thoughts. A good conversation with those you love is possible. This is generally a fruitful period for real estate investments.